Barnens Tankesmedja

To involve the audience is something that I so believe in when it comes to engagement and communication, Barnens Tankesmedja is a perfect example of that!

My role
Concept developer, Art Director, visual designer and illustrator
What I did
Concept, methodkit, films, websites, SoMe-campaign
The challange:
The brief was to make a campaign to the NGO Diakonia, they wanted swedish politicians to understand that human rights are under attack around the world.

The idea:
We wanted to build the campaign around getting politicians to answer where they stand on the question of human rights, this in order to be able to hold a dialogue with them about what needs to be done to protect human rights in the future. But to do that, we had to ask them to answer our questions

The solution:
Let´s use kids! We all know that politicians are hard to reach, and to make them listen needed to nagg! And how are the at that? Kids!

The campaign part 1:
We created Barnens Tankesmedja a method to make kids come together and talk about human right, learn about it. And then formulare question that we could send to politicians.

The campaign part 2:
And then we created the “raka-svar-maskinen” a digital tool that mailed the question to politicans, nagged when thet didn´t answer and collected all the answer for everyone to see.